Life-Changing Experiences

Some of our memories are hard to recall, but remembering previous experiences contributes to how our minds mature and grow. The fate of one’s future is partly guided by how they interpret their past, which memories can be manipulated to fit a certain narrative. In the “Life-Changing Experiences” branch of the Memory podcasts, we cover three main topics.

Learning From Mistakes” is where we talk about our own mistakes, and how fessing up and accepting our errors is a healthy way to progress into someone’s life.

Moving Houses” primarily covers the effect of constantly moving to different neighborhoods on families and children. It’s better to settle down for several years in one location than to move constantly because adjusting to the streets and different friends is difficult.

My Parents and Me” discusses how the relationship between a child and their parents affects someone’s opinions and outlook on life and other people. If someone is raised to believe something, it’s difficult for them to believe that it can be disproved. Many of our opinions are largely influenced by what our parents told us, although we can still reflect on them, and determine if they are correct or justified.

The music that was used in this podcast is by Kevin MacLeod, a producer that has created over 2,000 royalty-free music pieces. His website is, where one can find thousands of free songs and sounds. His YouTube channel is Kevin Macleod.

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