Walk to Future

“They say that the best blaze burns brightest when circumstances are at their worst”

Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)

Life is an obstacle course and we are the trainee gymnasts. Sometimes, as we face new things, we’re left with bruises and become afraid. No one succeeds at first. Only after many failures and falls does one learn to perform. Bruises and cuts all fade, but what stays with you is the strength you have learned through overcoming that step.

This is our story, and this is our journey. These are our difficult times, and these are our happy times. Walk to Future is the struggles and joy of the people. We share our path to the future after overcoming a series of hurdles.

Like a sparkler, by passing one little flame to another, we hope to help others who are struggling light up as well.

Artist: Zoe Wang

Credits and big thanks to Etude, a group of students from Toronto for sharing and giving us permission to use their music in our podcast! If you like their music, please check them out on Youtube :

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