An Introduction

Regret is feeling of sadness or disappointment over something that has happened, or had been done. It’s the feeling when you say something you shouldn’t have said or hadn’t said something when you should have, or that feeling when you think of all the things you’ve taken for granted and wished you hadn’t. We all have regrets. Some small ones, some big ones. Some that we’ve accepted and forgotten, and some that still continue to haunt the inner recesses of our mind. No matter who you are or what your background is, regrets are hard to avoid.

Our podcast is not just an autobiographical archive of other people’s regrets in life, nor is it just a run-of-the-mill interview segment. We’ve taken the basic idea of “Regret” and decided to document our own thought processes – and regrets – in addition to our guests’ thoughts and answers to our questions, as a way to show different perspectives and stories related to such a broad topic. It’s not enough to simply ask about the experiences of others, but it’s also important to look within ourselves and work through any regrets one has.

Our aim is to be able to show the growth from a simple, surface level understanding of a person to truly knowing who someone is and what they’ve gone through to get where they are now, and to encourage others to become more mindful of everyone around them. That way, we can avoid regretting things like saying the wrong thing to someone or passing judgement on someone before realizing the truth.

All in all, we want to encourage others to look beyond labels, look within themselves, assess one’s regrets, and become an overall better person.

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